Saturday, September 8, 2012

李奥纳.红-录影培训班2013!Leonard Hon Apprentice Training Program 2013

Apprenticeship is an on-the-job training program for people who want to work in a skilled trade or occupation and includes learning new skills from skilled journeypersons. Apprenticeship training provides access to well-paying jobs that demand a high level of skill, judgement and creativity. Apprentices are paid while gaining work experience, and their wages increase with their level of skill. 学徒培训班,是给想专职在专业领域,职业,工作,学习新的技能,由熟练的,有经验专人给予的在职培训计划。 学徒培训提供了高薪的工作机会,需要一个高层次的技能,判断力和创造力。 学徒的工资是由在获得工作经验和技能水平的提高下, 他们的工资也相对的提高。

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